Your Villa - East Valley - Oct - Dec 2021

(909) 435-4558 | 303 Brookside Avenue, Redlands CA 92373 | Travis Kinser, D.D.S. Dr. Travis Kinser was born and raised in San %ernardino. +e gradXated IroP PaciÀc +igK ScKool rigKt Kere in tKe ,nland EPpire. +e receiYed Kis %acKelor oI Science degree in %Xsiness 0anagePent IroP %rigKaP <oXng 8niYersity. +e PoYed witK Kis wiIe to San Francisco wKere Ke receiYed Kis 'octor oI 'ental SXrgery degree IroP tKe 8niYersity oI tKe PaciÀc $rtKXr $. 'Xgoni ScKool oI 'entistry. 'r. .inser coPpleted Kis OrtKodontic H E A L T H + B E A U T Y Dentist Profiles Caitlyn K. Affrunti, D.D.S., M.S. 'r. &aitlyn $ffrXnti was Eorn and raised in RedPond :$. SKe PoYed to tKe east coast to attend FairÀeld 8niYersity in FairÀeld &7. $Iter receiYing Ker %acKelor oI Science degree sKe continXed Ker edXcation in OPaKa 1eErasNa and coPpleted Ker 'octor oI 'ental SXrgery degree. 'octor $ffrXnti pXrsXed Ker passion Ior periodontics and iPplant dentistry at /oPa /inda 8niYersity wKere Ker researcK to earn Ker 0aster oI Science degree $ccXracy oI ,Pplants Placed witK SXrgical *Xides Kas Eeen accepted Ior pXElication in tKe ,nternational -oXrnal oI Periodontics and RestoratiYe 'entistry. 'octor $ffrXnti·s pKilosopKy is to treat and serYe Ker patients witK coPpassion and care as well as setting tKe standard oI excellence in dentistry. :Kile dental iPplants are EecoPing increasingly popXlar as replacePents Ior teetK proper and early diagnosis oI periodontal disease is oI XtPost iPportance. $s a periodontist tKe priPary goal oI IocXs is on preYentiYe dentistry to preserYe tKe patient·s natXral dentition. +oweYer we need to excel in interceptiYe and eYen restoratiYe dental treatPent as well. SKe EelieYes tKe Post effectiYe serYice Ior Ker patient·s is an eYidence Eased PXltidisciplinary approacK. OXtside oI dentistry 'r. $ffrXnti Kas a passion Ior sports KealtK and Àtness and new adYentXres. SKe grew Xp playing organi]ed sports and Iollowed Ker passion tKroXgK college playing soItEall at tKe 'iYision , leYel. 'octor $ffrXnti is a newly wed sKe and Ker KXsEand enMoy spending tiPe togetKer cooNing KealtKy KoPePade Peals. 7Key also enMoy training at tKe gyP togetKer in Porning EeIore worN as a way to always start tKe day off on a positiYe note. 7raYeling Kas always Eeen a loYe oI Kers and sKe Kas Eeen IortXnate enoXgK to experience tKe cXltXres in oYer 2 coXntries. SKe is always Xp Ior new adYentXres wKo Nnows wKere it will taNe Ker next. &ertiÀcate as well as Kis 0aster oI Science in 'entistry at -acNsonYille 8niYersity in Florida. +e tKen PoYed Kis IaPily EacN to tKe Eetter coast. 'r. .inser loYes langXages and is ÁXent in SpanisK and can speaN conYersationally in PortXgXese as well. +e and Kis wiIe KaYe Eeen Parried since 2012 and KaYe 3 wonderIXl cKildren two girls and one Eoy. 7Key loYe to spend tKeir days playing at tKe EeacK and enMoying tKe sXnsKine. 'r. .inser loYes EasNetEall as well as off roading in tKe sand dXnes witK Kis IaPily and friends.