Foothill Cities - August-October 2021
Gregory J. Vipond, M.D., F.R.C.S.C. VIP Facial Artistry (909) 608-7770 1601 Monte Vista Avenue Suite 200, Claremont, CA 91711 New patients mention ‘ YOUR VILLA ’ and receive $50 OFF your first treatment! *Cannot be combined with others offers. Expires 10/31/2021 , recently returned from my first cosmetic surgery conference since the beginning of the pandemic ,t was Tuite e[citing to be able to meet with fellow surgeons and cosmetic dermatologists face to face and not on some :ebinar to learn and discuss the field of facial reMuYenation and aesthetics , was fortunate enough to be able to present some lectures at the conference and to be part of some panel discussions , thought that , would share a few things that , found particularly interesting :hile the name of the conference was 9egas &osmetic 6urgery, there were some interesting lectures on non-surgical topics 2ne focused on non-surgical facial reMuYenation 7here was a discussion on the use of %oto[ and fillers, as well as laser +oweYer, , was especially taNen abacN by the comments made by this dermatologist when it came to threadlifts 6he was describing her threadlifting techniTues and choice of threadlifting material when she mentioned that she really does not belieYe in this technology as one that proYides meaningful reMuYenation +oweYer, she Mustified incorporating this into her practice by saying that patients will want to haYe threadlifts and if she does not proYide them, then they will go to someone else , was left speechless after hearing this comment 7o admit that she doesn·t belieYe that threadlifts actually worN, but she still performs them so that she can capture as much of the threadlifting marNet and not lose any patients to a competitor caused her to lose all credibility with me as a physician , haYe neYer used threadlifting in my practice because , belieYe it is a gimmicN and don·t want to oͿer any treatment to patients that , don·t belieYe in 7he technology neYer sounded legitimate, eYen with the original threadlifts that used permanent sutures 7he modern Yersion uses dissolYable sutures to help eleYate the fallen tissue of the face +oweYer, the sutures TuicNly lose strength, eYen though they dissolYe oYer seYeral months 7he companies adYertise that the dissolYing process stimulates collagen to help maintain the eͿect, but , feel this eͿect is not significant $ study was performed a few years ago that looNed at patient satisfaction after threadlifts and found that only a small minority of people were happy at months while nobody was happy at one year , belieYe that the only reason to get a threadlift would be to looN reMuYenated for a special eYent that was a few weeNs away and there would not be enough time to recoYer from a more eͿectiYe, longer-lasting techniTue 1onetheless, at the end of the day, physicians and other healthcare proYiders haYe an ethical duty to their patients to proYide treatments that are safe and eͿectiYe and to ensure that patients understand what they are consenting to :e should not be in the business or practice of selling things to patients for mere financial gain or to Neep them from going somewhere else 7here were also seYeral lectures on surgical facial reMuYenation, and it is particularly interesting for me to obserYe trends and how things seem to shift in this field :hen , first started my career thirteen years ago, , was performing a type of facelift that would be described as a 60$6 techniTue $lthough it is a little bit of an oYer-simplification, 60$6 techniTues generally inYolYe lifting bacN the sNin of the face and necN to e[pose the loose facial and necN soft tissue and then stretching it bacN up to a more youthful position with stitches 7his is an eͿectiYe and easily taught and easily performed techniTue, but its eͿectiYeness is limited by the retaining ligaments of the face 7hese ligaments act as anchors and fight against the stretching of the 60$6 :hen using this techniTue, , always felt that , was in a tug of war with the body and had to use a lot of stitching to try and Neep things from being pulled bacN down $fter surgery, , was worried that the body would continue to pull the 60$6 bacN down to its original position , also found that , wasn·t really able to lift the cheeN or midface Yery well because of the anchors %ecause of these limitations, seYeral years ago, , changed to a 'eep 3lane )acelift techniTue :hile this techniTue is more dicult and taNes longer, , haYe been really impressed with how much better the face and necN can be lifted as well as the long-term results, especially in the necN $t the conference, most of the lectures were on the 'eep 3lane techniTue rather than 60$6 techniTues ,t was interesting that more and more e[perienced surgeons and leaders of our field are turning to this method of facial reMuYenation, and it gaYe me a sense of armation that , am doing something that will bring better results and more satisfaction to my patients 2ne general principle that , haYe come to appreciate during my career is that you get out what you put into something %etter surgical results often reTuire a little more worN and time and most treatments that sound too good to be true are $lso, it is e[tremely important to be critical of your worN and to eYaluate it oYer the long term to assess if what you are doing is best for your patients Facial Artistry Gregory J. Vipond MD, Inc. Dr. Vipond performs all the Laser and Injectable Services Botox X Dysport X Restylane X Restylane Silk X Restylane Refyne X Restylane Defyne X Restylane Lyft X Juvederm X Juvederm Voluma Radieese X eCo2 Fractional Laser X Spectra Laser X Sheerwave IPL 360 X Skinmedica Skin Care X EltaMD Skin Care VIPOND Dr. Gregory X Rejuvenation Pitfalls X
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