Your Villa Magazine - Moreno Valley - Perris - March-May 2024

22 | to Advertise, please call or text 310-701-2666 12125 Day Street, Moreno Valley, CA 92557 3 21 I nsurance Services I nc................. 9 51- 53 0- 8 9 00 8 1st B arb er Co..................................... 9 51- 8 07 - 03 6 4 9 51 B ik es ............................................. 9 51- 7 4 2- 527 9 9 51 V ib ez .............................................. 9 09 - 9 9 0- 7 4 15 Af rican Hair B raid ing........................... com ing soon Atlas Properties ................................... 9 51- 3 6 9 - 03 08 Aurora Monroe D ance ........................ 8 00- 6 52- 508 2 B ald iz on T ax Services......................... 9 51- 28 9 - 9 3 57 B eech w ood Realty ............................... 9 51- 215- 14 8 8 B ism illah Farm N’ Spices.................... 9 51- 6 8 2- 3 53 6 B lack Frid ay L iq uid ation..................... 9 51- 4 8 8 - 8 7 56 CNG ST AT I ON ............................................................. Center f or Autism & Related D isord ers..9 51- 3 4 4 - 216 6 Curry & K ab ab Restaurant.................. 9 51- 6 8 2- 7 500 D uncan’ s T reasures ............................9 51- 4 26 - 9 114 Em pire B uf f et ....................................... 9 51- 7 4 2- 57 16 Em pire Sports ...................................... 9 51- 24 3 - 53 9 3 Ex cellence Em pire Real Estate ......... 9 51- 4 8 8 - 8 6 4 4 Fand ango B anq uets & Events............ 9 51- 53 0- 6 3 3 6 France House of Crepes ..................... 9 51- 3 9 4 - 8 9 24 G enerations Ch urch . ........................... 9 51- 6 8 6 - 6 000 G et Air . .................................................. 9 51- 26 2- 8 09 9 G old en Corral ...................................... 9 51- 3 6 9 - 1024 G rand view End od ontics ..................... 9 51- 7 55- 4 005 G reen Onion Mex ican Restaurant...... 9 51- 6 8 3 - 3 3 6 3 Harm ony Massage............................... 9 51- 4 55- 53 3 5 T h e Holly w ood Hall ............................. 9 51- 53 0- 6 3 3 6 I HSS Pub lic Auth ority .......................... 8 8 8 - 4 7 0- 4 4 7 7 I m m anuel House ................................. 9 51- 6 53 - 3 000 J J ’ s Mark et & L iq uor ........................... 9 51- 7 8 8 - 157 7 J uga Spa............................................... 9 51- 6 8 0- 08 8 8 L iving W ay Ch ristian Fellow sh ip........ 9 51- 7 8 1- 8 8 00 L ond on G ard en.................................... 9 51- 53 0- 6 3 3 6 L L Flooring........................................... 9 51- 8 4 2- 3 520 Metam orph oo T raining I nstitute..........9 51- 3 19 - 3 511 Mid East G rocery ................................. 9 51- 6 8 2- 3 53 6 MMJEAM Insurance Office ................. 9 51- 7 4 2- 5007 Moreno V alley Ed ucators Assoc. ....... 9 51- 4 8 5- 054 5 Moreno V alley Elk s L od ge # 26 9 7 ....... 9 51- 6 8 3 - 4 03 1 Moj ave Mane Salon ............................. 9 51- 9 4 1- 7 9 9 1 Nex t Station B K K ................................. 9 51- 3 6 9 - 03 08 Ph earless ............................................. 9 51- 4 22- 5206 Q i Hair Salon........................................ 9 51- 7 4 2- 54 20 Realis G y m nastics Acad em y .............. 9 51- 6 8 6 - 4 101 Revive Fitness ..................................... 9 51- 53 4 - 4 027 Rob y ’ s Furniture.................................. 9 51- 7 8 6 - 9 004 Saf e Haus ............................................. 9 51- 7 4 2- 58 4 8 Sigm a B eta I nc..................................... 9 51- 7 4 2- 58 4 8 Sun Cleaners........................................ 9 51- 27 6 - 4 526 T res I slas Seaf ood ............................... 9 51- 7 4 2- 54 18 United B J J MMA Fitness Club ............ 9 51- 6 8 3 - 9 001 V I P Health care Services...................... 9 51- 6 01- 9 101 W e Are Many ........................................ 9 51- 4 4 9 - 0019 YM Cloth ing.......................................... 9 51- 4 19 - 8 6 19 FRANCE HOUSE OF CREPES To inquire about rates,contact us at (951) 289-9357 or email SAFE HAUS CRAFT BEER & KITCHEN METAMORPHOO TRAINING INSTITUTE GOOD FOOD GOOD BEER GREAT VIBES! 15 % OFF ENTIRE PURCHASE With Coupon only. Expires 5/15/24 CURRY & KABAB LUNCH SPECIAL Includes: Chicken Entree, Vegetable, Rice, & Bread $ 11.95 Valid for lunch only BUY 2 CREPES GET 1 CREPE FREE Limit one per table. Free crepe of equal or lesser value. Expires 5/15/24 DISCOUNT RATES available for new clients Shop Local to Support Your Community Businesses at Training Programs Available on Zoom. Schedules found on the Website. Free education on Medicare, Life Insurance or Cover California 951.742.5007 MM JEAM INSURANCE Lic. #0A65957 We Can Help! NEW DRIVER... NO PROBLEM 321 INSURANCE SERVICES WE OFFER SAME DAY INSTANT COVERAGE, LOW DOWNPAYMENTS, & AFTER HOUR SERVICE ROBY’S FURNITURE 20% OFF your furniture purchase. With Coupon only. Expires 5/15/24 Taking care of the very important people in our community VIP HEALTH CARE SERVICES