Your Villa Magazine - Moreno Valley - Perris - South - September-November 2023

30 | to Advertise, please call or text 310-701-2666 Ex p r e s s w a y Ce n t e r 8 5 E. R a m o n a Ex p r e s s w a y , P e r r is , CA 92 571 An t o j it o s M e x ica n o s ................................... 951- 940- 5570 Ba r r a Az u l .................................................... 951- 940- 4474 Bir r ie r ia X o l o s ............................................ 951- 940- 5144 Ce r v a n t e s Fie s t a ......................................... 951- 943 - 6 3 6 2 D e l T a co ....................................................... 951- 443 - 002 2 El T o r o Lo co Gr il l ........................................ 951- 490- 03 44 Ex p r e s s Ga d g e t R e p a ir .............................. 951- 943 - 8 8 77 Ex p r e s s R e g is t r a t io n & In s S e r v ice s ........ 951- 58 1- 6 505 Ex p r e s s w a y T ir e s ....................................... 951- 443 - 3 18 7 Go d ’ s H e l p in g H a n d M in is t r y ..................... 951- 443 - 3 701 Fa r m e r Bo y s R e s t a u r a n t ............................ 951- 6 57- 8 2 50 Is l a m ic Ce n t e r o f P e r r is ............................. 951- 472 - 3 002 J im m y Cu t z Ba r b e r s h o p ............................. 951- 8 07- 6 13 3 J o e ’ s Ex p r e s s S m o g .................................. 951- 943 - 6 912 La M ich o a ca n a P e r r is ................................. 951- 903 - 6 6 51 La k e P e r r is Liq u o r ...................................... 951- 940- 4000 Lo y a l P a w s ................................................. 6 57- 6 99- 9444 Ly d ia ’ s H a ir D e s ig n .................................... 951- 2 8 7- 6 98 6 M e n d e z M a r k e t ............................................ 951- 6 57- 913 8 M e t r o b y T - M o b il e ....................................... 951- 6 57- 72 02 M .G. T o o l a n d S u p p l ie s .............................. 951- 2 3 0- 2 2 3 9 O m a r ’ s T ir e s & W h e e l s .............................. 951- 943 - 48 40 P a n a d e r ia La s Co n ch it a s ........................... 951- 6 57- 8 777 P a t t y Be a u t y & Ba r b e r S h o p ...................... 951- 6 57- 5099 P e r r is Fl o w e r s ............................................ 714- 556 - 8 197 P e r r is W a t e r P l u s ........................................ 951- 443 - 3 440 S u e l d o & P e r l e ch e D e n t a l In c.................... 951- 943 - 7171 T e l e ca r e M e n t a l H e a l t h U r g e n t Ca r e ......... 951- 940- 6 2 3 3 T o n e Z o n e Fit n e s s ...................................... 951- 2 2 3 - 13 48 T o r o T a x e s .................................................. 951- 940- 1170 T h e S a n ct u a r y Ch u r ch ............................... 951- 940- 1170 U n iq u e T h r e a d in g & Be a u t y ...................... 951- 6 57- 8 48 8 V V S p a ........................................................ 951- 943 - 18 6 1 Z & K X t r e m e T in t & Au d io ........................... 951- 940- 5450 UNIQUE THREADING & BEAUTY $ 3.00 OFF Waxing or Threading Service of $50 or more With Coupon. Expires 11/30/23 Support Our Local Community and Shop at these locations: LA MICHOACANA FREE SINGLE SCOOP With purchase of any Triple Scoop Expires 11/30/23 EXPRESS REGISTRATION SERVICES Free DMV service with New policy NO LINES / INSTANT DMV SERVICES Renewals • Transfers • Salvage Out of state • Lien Sales SUELDO & PERLECHE DENTAL $ 45.00 Kids Special Includes: Exams, Fluoride & Prophy (Patients 13 yrs. & older) Expires 11/30/23 Expressway Center EXPRESS GADGET REPAIR Now O‰ering Auto & Other Insurance Free renewal service with purchase JIMMY CUTZ $ 5.00 OFF ANY HAIRCUT TUES. & WED. ONLY WITH COUPON ONLY. Expires 11/30/23 Screen Replacement Game Console Repairs Laptop Repairs Perris: 951-943-8877 Riverside: 951-988-7642 2nd location: 22420 Van Buren Blvd. #200 March ARB BUY SELL FIX Retro Gaming O/S Repair / Upgrade Water Damage Repair $ 5.00 OFF Cell Phone Repair for new customers. With this Coupon Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM Sat: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Sun: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM All DMV Smog Checks We smog test all vehicles from cars, trucks, SUV’s, motorhomes, & even diesels! We use state certified calibrated equipment, to ensure you receive a correct and accurate Smog Check. Heacock We offer prompt, courteous & honest service. Smog Check/Test Only SMOG CHECK COUPON Prieto Smog Center 24320 Sunnymead Blvd # 107, Moreno Valley 951-485-3554 COVID -19 COMPLIANT $ 39.75 SMOG CHECK + $8.25 Certificate Most Cars. Model year 2000 or newer. SUVs, Trucks & Vans Extra Must present coupon before write-up. Not valid with any other offer or discount. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Please call or text for an appointment. (951) 616-8178 Hablamos Español Doggie Day Spa Open: Tues. - Fri. Hours: 8 am- to 1 pm Licensed & Insured 12094 Vista De Cerros Dr. Moreno Valley, 92555 Includes: Hair Cut, Doggy Facial, Nails, Anal Glands, & Ears FREE Moisturizing for skin & hair Valid with coupon only. Exp. 11/30/23 Doggie Day Spa we ba e, ma age & groom your pet in a stre - ee home environment. Pamper your pet w h a day at e spa... Medicated Bath Hot Oil Treatment Stylized Grooming Full Dog Grooming Hand Scissor Flea Bath Choice of FREE Bow or Bandana Dirty Dog Full Grooming Special & up $ 45 00 Special cuts, long hair dogs, large dogs & severely matted dogs are extra. May not be combined with any other o er. With coupon only. Exp. 11/30/23 You’ll bo enjoy e special treatment! QUESTIONS ABOUT MEDICARE, LIFE INSURANCE OR COVERED CALIFORNIA? Free Consultations Give us a call, we can help. (951) 742-5007 12125 Day St., Unit K 413, Moreno Valley, CA 92557 Mon-Fri from 9:30am-5:00pm, Saturdays by appointment Hablo Español “We can help”