Your Villa Magazine - Riverside - August-September 2022 / 951.653.6094 GENERAL & COSMETIC FAMILY DENTISTRY - 1015 ALESSANDRO BLVD., SUITE 130 RIVERSIDE, CA 92508 Chicago, Illinois Midwestern University. Doctor of Dental Medicine Post graduate UC San Francisco Advanced Residency Trained • Cosmetic dental treatments including lifelike fillings, crowns, and veneers • Implant restoration with crowns, bridges, or dentures • Comprehensive oral rehabilitation including cosmetic reconstruction One visit and you will understand what we mean when we say “Quality care from a dentist who treats you like family.” Whether your are looking for a family dentist or more specialized cosmetic or implant dentistry, you can trust Dr. Tran to provide you and your family with exceptional care. Dr. Tran places an emphasis on patient education. He will provide you with all treatment options and help guide you to make the decision that is best for your own personal health. *New patients only. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Other restrictions may apply. Both offers expires 9/15/2022 FREE TEETH WHITENING* $ 300 Value OR FREE X-RAYS, EXAM & CONSULTATION* $ 197 Value QUALITY CARE FROM A DENTIST R ichie T ran, D.M.D. M ichael H unting, D.D.S. Hello ! I can not w ait to mee t each and every one of yo u! It wil l be a true hono r for me to conti nue D r. Hu nting ’s leg acy of tre ating you all lik e fam ily and p rovid ing th e bes t den tal care when you come visit us. I am confi dent that w ith th e sam e wo nderf ul tea m yo u all have com e to k now —Liz, Step hanie , Sus anne , and Dian a— we w ill con tinue to gi ve yo u the high est le vel o f serv ice. My g oal a s you r den tist is to pr ovide care in a c omfo rtabl e, warm , and frien dly e nviro nmen t. A litt le mo re ab out m yself - outs ide o f den tistry , I en joy cook ing d iffere nt cu isines , bein g out door s nea r the beac hes, a nd w hatev er els e my one- year old s on w ants me to do with him! It has been a gre at ex perie nce g etting to kn ow D r. Hu nting and trans itioni ng in, an d I lo ok fo rwar d to s eeing and meet ing yo u soo n. Since rely, Dr. R ichie Tran, DMD Intro ducin g Dr . Ric hie T ran, DMD