Your Villa Magazine - Riverside - August-September 2022 | 43 LOCAL Murrieta 951-676-3073 | Ontario 909-987-1700 | Palm Desert 760-321-2005 A R I Z ON A C A L I F O R N I A C O L O R A D O N E VA D A N E W M E X I C O T E X A S U TA H Experience a vast selection of porcelain, glass, ceramics and natural stone that will truly elevate any design. At Arizona Tile, there’s a world of surfaces waiting to be explored. Through our exclusive relationships with select quarries and suppliers, you will discover stunning surfaces you won’t find anywhere else on Earth. BR I NG I NG YOU THE MOST E XT RAORDI NARY S UR FACE S ON EARTH . w w w . a r i z o n a t i l e . c o m © 2010 Arizona Tile, LLC. All rights reserved. Logos, marks and taglines appearing herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Arizona Tile, LLC. Close-up of patterns on solid lava in Hawaii. Cosmos granite from Arizona Tile. Your safety is our priority. We follow all CDC guidelines to ensure a safe and clean environment. Call Now 800-805-7738 Now Offering Free Virtual Design Consultations Financing Available - 12 Months Same As Cash O.A.C. • Lic. #937146 Life is too short to live uninspired in your own home. Let’s redesign the spaces that hold your favorite memories, into your dream home so you can love where you live. Kitchen & Bath Remodeling • Flooring • Countertops Painting • Custom Cabinets • Window Coverings Closets • Custom Rugs • and more... • FREE In-home design consultation • 2-hour installation • No major modifications to your home Dark spaces in your home? Solatube Daylighting, the modern skylight that brings natural light to every room in your home. • Great for hallways, kitchens and bathrooms • Save up to $300 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! • Available for all roof types House TOO HOT? #1 Installer of Whole House Fans in Southern California! Cool your entire home with fresh air in minutes. • Replace hot stale air, with fresh cool air • Save huge on AC bills • Super quiet operation Attic or Garage TOO HOT? Our solar and electric fans remove that blazing hot air from your attic and/or garage. • New advanced technology delivers exceptional power day and night • Save up to $200 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! • Available for all roof types SAME DAY INSTALLATION WE PROVIDE ©2019 Solatube International, Inc. Buy 2, Buy 3, Buy 4... SAVE MORE! 4 GREAT PRODUCTS FROM SOLATUBE Heat Fresh Air Se habla español *applies to solar-powered products SALE ENDS SOON! 949-272-8801 Lic.# 847890 More Save More_4.4x11.25_FP_YourVilla_SOC.indd 1 6/4/2019 11:35:23 AM • FREE In-home design consultation • 2-hour installation • No major modifications to your home Dark spaces in your home? Solatube Dayl ghting, the modern skylight that brings natural light to every room in your home. • Great for hallways, kitchens and bathrooms • Save up to $300 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! • Available for all roof types House TOO HOT? #1 Installer of Whole House Fans in Southern California! Cool your entire home with fresh air in minutes. • Replace hot stale air, with fresh cool air • Save huge on AC bills • Super quiet operation Attic or Garage TOO HOT? Our solar and electric fans remove that blazing hot air from your attic and/or garage. • New advanced technology delivers exceptional power day and night • Save up to $200 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! • Available for all roof types SAME DAY INSTALLATION WE PROVIDE ©2019 Solatube International, Inc. Buy 2, Buy 3, Buy 4... SAVE MORE! 4 GREAT PRODUCTS FROM SOLATUBE Heat Fresh Air Se habla español *applies to solar-powered products SALE ENDS SOON! 949-272-8801 Lic.# 847890 • FREE In-ho e design consultation • 2-hour installation • No major modifications to your home ar i r Solatube Daylighting, the odern skylight that brings natural light to every roo in your ho e. • Great for hallways, kitchens nd bathroo s • Save up to $300 with 30 Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! • Available for all roof types TOO T #1 Installer of hole ouse Fans in outhern alifornia! ool your entire home with fresh air in inutes. • Replace hot stale air, with fresh cool air • Save huge on AC bills • Super quiet operation tti r ar O HOT? ur solar and electric fans remove that blazing ho air fro your attic and/or garage. • New advanced technology delivers exceptional power day and night • Save up to $200 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! • Available for all roof types SAME DAY INSTALLATION E PROVIDE ©2019 Solatube International, Inc. Heat r ir Se habla español *applies to solar-powered products S LE E DS S N! 949-272-8801 l t . Lic.# 847890 More Save More_4.4x11.25_FP_YourVilla_SOC.indd 1 6/4/2019 11:35:23 AM (909) 331-2991 • FREE In-home design consultation • 2-hour installation • No major modifications to your home Dark spaces in your home? Solatube Daylighting, the modern skylight that brings natural light to every room in your home. • Gre t f r hallways, kitchens and bathrooms • Save up to $300 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! • Available for all roof types House HOT? #1 Installer of Whole House Fans in Sou h n California! Cool your entire home with fresh air in minutes. • Replace hot stale air, with fresh cool air • Save huge on AC bills • Super quiet operation Attic or Garage TOO HOT? Our solar and electric fans remove that bl zing hot air from your attic and/or garage. • New advanced technology delivers exceptional power day and night • Save up to $200 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! • Available for all roof types SAME DAY INSTALLATION WE PROVIDE ©2019 Solatube International, Inc. Buy 2, Buy 3, Buy 4... SAVE 4 GREAT PRODUCTS FR Heat Fresh Air Se habla español *applies to solar-powered products SALE ENDS SOON! 949-272-8801 Lic.# 847890 Dark spaces in your home? Solatube Daylighting, the modern skylight that brings natural light to every room in your home. • Great for hallways, kitchens and bathrooms • Save up to $300 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! • Available for all roof types House TOO HOT? #1 Installer of Whole ouse Fans in Southern California! Cool your entire home with fresh air in minutes. • Replace hot stale air, with fresh cool air • Save huge on AC bills uper quiet operation Attic or Garage TOO HOT? Our solar and electric fans remove that blazing hot air from your attic and/or garage. • New advanced technology delivers exceptional power day and night • Save up to $200 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! • A ailable for all roof types Buy 2, Buy 3, Buy 4... SAVE MORE! 4 GREAT PRODUCTS FROM SOLATUBE Heat Fresh Air e habla español *applies to s lar-powered products SALE ENDS SOON! S t • G b om N O A g t Da sp c s l e li i , light that brings natural light to i . r t f r ll , it t r • t it r l r it* - I OON! • il l f r ll r f t pes H TO #1 Installer of Whole Hous Fans in Cali ia! Cool i i f i i i . • Repl ce hot stale air, with fre h l ir ave h ills Super quiet operation Att O l lectric fans remove blazing hot air from our attic . N advanced technology delivers eptional power d y i t • t it r l r it* - I ! • il l f r ll r f t u SAVE MORE! Se habla español *a li s to ol r- r pr d ct SAL DS S N Dark spaces in your home? Solatube Daylighting, the modern skylight that brings natural light to every room in your home. • Great for hallways, kitchens and bathrooms • Save up to $300 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! Available for all roof types House TOO HOT? #1 Installer of Whole House Fans in Southern C lifornia! Cool your entire me with fresh air in minutes. • Replace hot stale air, with fresh cool air Save huge on AC bills • Super quiet operation Attic or Garage TOO HOT? Our solar and electric fans remove th t blazing hot air from your attic and/or garage. • New advanced technology delivers exceptional power day and night • Sav up to $200 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! Available for all roof types Buy 2, Buy 3, Buy 4... SAVE MORE! 4 GREAT PRODUCTS FROM SOLATUBE Heat Fresh Air Se habla español *applies to solar-powered products SALE ENDS SOON! Lic. 953443 $100 Off! Limited time. Fresh Air ol t b Daylighting, the modern light that brings natural light o r in your home. Great for hallways, kitchens and bathrooms Save up to $300 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* Available for all ro f types H i ! ol your e tire home with fresh air i . Replace hot stale air, with fresh cool air Save huge on AC bills Sup r quiet o eration A olar and el ctric fans remove t lazing hot air from your attic rage. • New advanced technology deliv rs eptional power y nd night Save up to $200 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* Available for all roof types , Buy 3, Buy 4... ! habla español * i t solar-powered products Fresh Air • FREE In-home design consultation • 2-hour installation • No major modifications to your home Dark spaces in your home? Solatube Daylighting, the moder skylight that brings natural light to every r om in your home. • Great for hallways, kitchens and bathrooms • Save up to $300 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! Available for all roof types Attic or Garage TOO HOT? Our solar and electric fans remove that blazing hot air from your attic and/or garage. • New advanced technology delivers exceptional power day and night • Save up to $200 with 30% Federal Tax Credit* - ENDING SOON! • Available for all roof types SAME DAY INSTALLATION WE PROVIDE ©2019 Solatube International, Inc. Heat Fresh Air Se habla español *applies to solar-powered products 949-272-8801 Lic.# 847890 More Save More_4.4x11.25_FP_YourVilla_SOC.indd 1 6/4/2019 11:35:23 AM 26% Federal Tax Credit * Save up to $300 ith 26 ederal Tax Credit *