Your Villa Magazine - Riverside - June-August 2023

H E A L T H + B E A U T Y It doesn’t take overly complicated or intense workouts to create an ease full flow, optimal system function and connect you to your body . <oga teaches us specific styles of breathing to help us learn how to actually control our nerYous system with the breath 7he moYement helps us find mobility and stability creating a good foundation of support :hen we moYe in yoga we connect our moYement to breathe :hen we connect our moYement to breathe we are staying in the present moment not worrying about the future or dwelling upon the past :hen we are present we create space between the thoughts *iYing our brains a little reprieYe from the incessant thoughts day to day :ith more space we find clarity, focus, and calm to moYe through challenging situations with a little more ease <oga creates a state of health in body, mind, and spirit that helps us reali]e how important we really are in this world 2ur Yery insistence changes the world as a whole The magical part of it is that all we have to do to make these big changes is show up. Show up for yourself, know how special and worth it you are to make the e ort! My name is Amy Guthrie , and , am the owner of ,nfinite /oYe <oga , Nnow how hard it is to be stucN, unhappy, in darN places, and hopeless ,·Ye been through all of those uncomfortable places in my mind and body 7hrough the practical application of consistent yoga practice ,·Ye seen my life change in ways , could neYer haYe imagined :here , was once angry and lost, , found peace and inner Nnowing :here , was deeply in physical chronic pain, , found relief and the ability to moYe freely ,·Ye been traYeling the world for years learning diͿerent modalities of healing and what ,·Ye found is eYerything ,·Ye shared with you /ess is more <ou can maNe the change you·Ye been yearning for with minimal time out of your day /et us help you find the way We see you, and welcome you! Are you tired of feeling tired? Infinite Love Yoga • Riverside, CA www. infiniteloveyogastudio .com (951) 465-4423 YYOOGGA body-positive, self-acceptance environment | 33